Identifying & Overcoming Intrusive Thoughts (02/16)

2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

Intrusive thoughts can feel overwhelming. They appear out of nowhere and carry so much weight. Intrusive thoughts always fall into what I call the 4 D's. They distract you, disturb you, discourage you, and disconnect you. The more we try to control them, the more powerful they seem. But here’s a truth that brings freedom: God never told us to trust our thoughts. In fact, He warns us against it.

Proverbs 3:5 (KJV) says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

Our minds are flawed. Our thoughts shift like sand, but God’s Word is solid rock. Thoughts will deceive, but God’s Word is always true. 

Intrusive thoughts often feel foreign and uncomfortable, which is why they cause distress. God tells us however that you are not your thoughts. Thoughts are fleeting, often triggered by past experiences, fears, or even spiritual attacks. Satan loves to use our thoughts as weapons, planting seeds of doubt, fear, and shame. He whispers lies, hoping you’ll latch onto even just one of them. But remember, you are already holy, righteous, and sanctified through Jesus Christ. Your salvation isn’t based on what you think, it’s based on what Jesus did.

Intrusive thoughts lose their power when you refuse to trust them.

The Bible teaches us that our minds are naturally unreliable. Our thoughts are often shaped by emotions, experiences, and the enemy’s lies. That’s why God instructs us not to depend on them.

God knows our hearts and minds are prone to wander, which is why He gave us His Word as a guide. Instead of trusting what you think or feel, trust what God says. His Word never changes, even when your mind feels chaotic.

Your thoughts are temporary but God’s truth is eternal.

Don’t fight intrusive thoughts. Fighting gives them power. Instead, acknowledge their presence and remember that they’re just noise. They don’t reflect who you are in Christ.

When intrusive thoughts arise, combat them with Scripture.

If a thought brings guilt, fear, or shame, recognize it as a lie. God’s Word says you are forgiven, loved, and secure.

Jesus died to give you freedom, not just from sin but from mental torment. Your thoughts cannot undo what Jesus finished on the cross.

The gospel isn’t just about eternal salvation, it is also the blueprint to resting in peace. 

When your mind fixates on your thoughts, it leads to fear and confusion. But when you fix your mind on Jesus, His death, resurrection, and the righteousness He gave you. you experience peace.
